5Fold International Enterprises™

(left to right ) Apostle Queen Drougn, Apostle General Kathryn Alexander, General Risa Monique, General TruTH, General Renee Groves, Lieutenant Raquel Russell, Apostle General ARcher Francis, Lieutenant Sheryl Cunningham, General Janet Logan

FIRST BOOTCAMP #1​ "Spiritual Rendevous with Kingdom Generals"

Our First Bootcamp

​Our first 5Fold International Enterprises™ Bootcamp was a huge success!  It was held September 24, 2011 in Ontario, California.

Enlistees traveled from different states to meet up at this event for a time of training, impartation, revelation, rejuvenation and comradery.

We had an awesome time as the spirit of God moved in an incredible way.  No one who attended left feeling the same as they arrived. We were overtaken and consumed with blessings that day.